Friday, April 9, 2010

Making progress

I haven't been blogging much here lately, but I have been making steady progress on my organizing.

The houseguests we were expecting from England (tomorrow) had to cancel their trip. (Lesson learned: if you have an early flight, do not rely on a hotel wake-up call! They missed their flight and KLM told them they'd have to pay for new tickets because they were "no shows," so they cancelled their trip.)

But I've made a huge amount of progress on the family room. I'm not completely finished yet--still have to clean off the top of the desk and tackle the games closet (again), but I should be able to post photos soon.

I assembled a cube system that we bought at Costco sometime last year, and we're using that for various Wii and video paraphernalia. It took me about an hour to completely detangle my son's PlayStation wiring. Ugh! Yes, I probably should have had him do it...but that is definitely not his strength.

It is SO MUCH nicer to do my Wii Fit Plus with a clean, uncluttered family room! Love that!

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